Seacoast Survivor Day Celebration
Designed for those living with and surviving cancer, their family, friends and caregivers.
Saturday, May 4, 2013, from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sponsored by the Cancer Care Center and Rehabilitation Services at Portsmouth Regional Hospital
155 Borthwick Avenue, Main Entrance, Portsmouth, NH
Register at 603-957-5349
Special Presentations:
- Stage IV throat and neck cancer survivor Denise DeSimone will share her journey from diagnosis to singing the national anthem at a Red Sox game.
- Survivor experience with Therese Way.
- Brunch catered by Pamela Brooks Carignan, chef and owner of Ms. Pamona’s Restaurant - enjoy a complimentary brunch* while talking with other survivors and their supporters.
- Visit the Wellness Marketplace - talk with wellness specialists and learn about self-care techniques and the many support-care services available through our Rehabilitation Services and Cancer Care Center. Shop around with many local vendors and artists in our community.
- Firefly Pottery - tile painting and interactive beading.
- Look Good...Feel Better Workshops*
- Wellness Spa Experience: chair massage, reiki, and hand massages
- Health screenings
- Brunch*
- Interactive Beading
- Firefly Pottery tile painting
- Tea Room
- Door Prizes
…and much more!
* Event requires pre-registration. Space is limited, call 603-957-5349 to reserve your space today.