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Women's Care Lecture Series Kicks-Off April 25th at Portsmouth Regional Hospital

The Portsmouth Regional Hospital Women's Care Lecture Series is designed to help Seacoast women make informed choices about their health and the well being of their family members. Starting on April 25th and continuing through the month of May the series will explore a comprehensive array of health and wellness issues that affect women of all ages. Presenting specialists and highly trained staff members will provide relevant information that is informative and enjoyable. Topics will include: Neurosurgical Treatment of Sciatica, Back and Neck Pain; Gallstones & Gallbladder Disease; Women's Mid-Life Health Issues; Benefits of Acupuncture; Getting Rid of Varicose Veins; and, Hip and Knee Arthritis.

This spring's series is being held in the hospital classrooms, at 333 Borthwick Avenue. Please note that programs start at 7 p.m., and are being held on both Monday and Wednesday evenings

Register by calling Consult-A-Nurse at 1-888-421-1080. Contact hours are available for medical professionals. Men are always welcome to attend.